Arts- Museum

One way which Singapore promotes art is through the various museums we have that includes Singapore Arts Museum, National Museum of Singapore, Peranakan Museum, Singapore Art Gallery and Singapore Philatelic Museum. Museums in Singapore not only focus locally but also internationally.

[A picture of the Peranakan Museum]

In the National Museum of Singapore, there is a Film & Wayang Gallery that explores the history of Malay film production in Singapore in the mid-20th century, and the development of Chinese Opera and puppetry; The Fashion Gallery that reveals the fabric of Singapore society through popular music and displays of apparel, accessories and beauty products used by women from the 1950s to 1970s; Treaures of the National Museum of Singapore; Exhibition Galleries and Gallery Theatre. In addition, tours, workshops, performances and lecture programmes are also available to visitors. One special feature that the museum also offers is the Cinematheque that focuses on the presentation of film in its historical, cultural and aesthetic contexts, with a strong emphasis on local and regional cinema.

[A picture of the National Museum of Singapore]

Singapore Arts Museum is currently organizing Trans-Cool Tokyo, which introduces contemporary Japanese Art from the Museum of contemporary art Tokyo collection. The exhibitions show various pop arts by Japanese artists, showcase of popular Japanese culture and toys and screening of unique Japanese films. This is for visitors to know foreign arts better instead of just local ones.

[A picture of the Singapore Arts Museum]

ly is the Singapore Philatelic Museum that showcases a wide variety of stamp collection around the world. As stamps are essential during slow mail period, it had since became forgotten by Singaporeans. Hence visitors are able to visit the museum to appreciate the different design of stamps showcased.

[A picture of the Singapore Philatelic Museum]


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