
The arts scene in Singapore was not vibrant until recent years. It is, however, an emerging cultural centre of the arts in Asia. With the multi-racial and cosmopolitan society in Singapore, we are often associated with both the Eastern and Western cultures, often identified as ‘the gateway between the East and the West’. In 2003, the ‘Esplanade’ was officially opened, acting as a platform for many different arts-related performances, musicals and concerts. Also, the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) and the LASELLE College of the Arts have been avid supporter of the local arts and culture scene by nurturing young talents in this aspect. They offer full-time diploma and degree programmes which help foster our youths who are interested and well-versed in this area.

Singapore also has a unique culture and heritage, albeit the little history we have. With only 45 years of independence on our back, Singapore is seen as a relatively young country. However, our culture does not necessarily pale in comparison to other countries. Because of our multi-racial and multi-ethnic society, our culture has had a variation in influences which makes it unique to Singapore. This is something that is rare in other countries such as Malaysia or China. Both visitors and locals get exposure to many different aspects of our culture which includes cuisine, language, traditions and practices and traditional clothing, just to name a few.

In the following posts, our authors will talk and elaborate more on the various aspects of the arts, culture and heritage of Singapore, which will hopefully be an eye-opener for our readers as well as us.


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