Cuisines & Traditions

In this post, we will be bringing you some of the cuisines from the different ethnic groups in Singapore that help to create her food culture. We will also touch on the traditions customs present here in Singapore.

From the Chinese cuisines, we have Hainanese Chicken Rice, Ba Kuh Teh, Hokkien Mee. (Pictures are in respective order as mentioned)

From the Malay Muslim cuisines, we have Mee Siam, Nasi Lemak, Nasi Briyani, Goreng Pisang.(Pictures are in respective order as mentioned)

From the Indian Muslim cuisines, we have Roti Prata, Murtabak and Chicken Tekka.(Pictures are in respective order as mentioned)

From the Indian Vegetarian cuisines, we have Thosai, Banana Leaf Rice set, Naan.(Pictures are in respective order as mentioned)

From the Western cuisines, we have Chicken Chop, Beef Steak and Burgers.(Pictures are in respective order as mentioned)

Now, we will move into the common traditions and customs in Singapore.

In Singapore, certain local customs and traditions are likely to present the business card with both hands and avoid the colour black, which is an inauspicious colour for the Chinese people. The customs in Singapore are generally not adapted to handshakes as greetings, but in other forms such as bowing, salaaming, saluting and so on. Another popular custom in Singapore is that the people here enter their homes barefoot and shoes are removed outside the house as a sign of respect.

All these little traditions and customs are carried down through different ethnic groups and through the years, which had now become a common Singapore tradition which all Singaporeans do.

Concluding on this post, we would like to share a quote with you! “When in Rome, do what the Romans do!” In the next post, we will be covering the Heritage of Singapore.


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